The view of the tent from the bathroom.... Kinda got my blood pumping every time I took a pee.
It was ten years ago almost to the day that mike and I were wedded. Same place, similar tent, same time. Deja vu at its finest.
The pre party. Tux, bottle, and legs crossed. Chillin.
The prep

The stylist and diva maker Katie primped and pursed all three of my girls. So sweet. Katie is an amazing, giving, wonderful friend and I am happy to know her.
Bridal party. Cheers!

Ring bearer resting up for his go-pro time...this littles chap carried the bounty of rings and his own video camera down the isle.

Neha was obsessed with the preparation. In awe for sure. This is and was the biggest event this girl has been apart of. She does love a good party.

The first shuttle arrives..... Whoa stomach flip! My sister was hidden from thus in the bathroom. She was stoic, happy and enjoying every moment. Admirable really coming from the super anal hyper perfection sister that I am.

The cutest , tiniest flower girl. Ruthie.

The dress is on.

Sisters... (And for some damn reason my arm is stiff and flat on all pictures for the rest of the night. Wtf I say. ) Redo!
Girls , ceremony ready!
Wedded... Time for facial hair!
The beautiful bride.
Neha Ahnu... Girl loves animals
Charlotte Rue. Princess perfect.
Lucy Rose. The glowing, mature big sister.
Most glam stache!

Extended family. cousin anna and her baby karma. Stow away bird. Perched above Lucy
Oliver Quinn. Boy my heart smiles having him in our lives!

The daddy that won the most true and exceptional comments all weekend. What an amazing father you have become my husband. I am so proud to have you by my side.
Who farted? ( I love this picture, not sure why)
Blurry but so awesome. So many expressions of unrelated parties!
Lindsay, Kenzie's longest friend. A travel buddy and an unconditional friend for life. Not to mention a blast to have around!
It was said that someone left me alone in the tent with this... I had left the party to put my kids to sleep and after being waylaid by shots in the kitchen. 3 princess and a prince good night kisses , 2 shuttle bus goodbyes and departures I made it back to the tent.
Well, unfortunately I only got 2 dances and party over... Well, that was until everyone left me with a bucket of beet chips and a wedding cake.
And then life keeps going....
Then home. Ready for a schedule. So so ready to live out of drawers not bags. Happy to have space. Tickled to see some organization. Settled and in awe of the family we have become. The adventures of this Oliver Quinn have just begun