In guangzhou
Happy change
And I'll tell you what, mommy needed and smokie after that flight. Super cool kid, not so super awesome of a flyer.
My patience is wearing. This guy insisted on cutting me off in the loading tunnel getting on the plane. Therefor dislocating my from my obvious family. ( we were most definitely the only Americans on the flight and hands down only ones packing a baby and darkie). Then he cock blocked me for about 2 minutes loading his bag up top. Then, oh wait. He wasn't even sitting there so he had to get bag down and move further down the plane and do it again. I wished I had a sling shot. I most definitely would have ball bopped his ass while his hands were above his head.

......... And mommy needed a downer. Daddy got the look. Medication administered
Oliver was restless, pinching, wiggling, not seat sitting. Every toy offered thrown to the floor. Crap out the new pants. Grab the guys newspaper behind us. Tear it. Loud (kind of a new thing, don't love it)
Mommy not so happy. Rough ride. He actually bruised my chest with his aggressive grabbing. Not sure what was going down. Possibly his ears, we learned at his foster home (Un- beknownced to us) that he had had ear tubes put in. Not because he had a lot of ear infections but because he was not developmentally on par and they thought maybe because his hearing was poor.
New hotel, Marriot. Happy it's not another holiday inn. Bigger room. More access outside to comfort items. Malls, McDonald's, Starbucks, English some places. Lame you say, we are world travelers, maybe not experienced but and a week is just about all I can hack being totally " upside down" like mike would say.
Got in late. Kids passed out easy. Date night in the bathroom for mom and dad. And yes I high five my self for insisting on buying high dollar wine and vodka at the airport.
Mikes totally in love with the collapsible fork. "Something's they really need to focus on importing to the states he says"
Had some space. Go to talk. Sat on the toilet and the tub. Got wasted.
Then pissed at Internet bullshit. No connect, no ploblem. Oh really, of course it's no ploblem, cause its not ur ploblem.
Medical exam tomorrow. Sounds like a real non fab time. Looking forward to it. NOT.
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