Museum, park and a high priced shopping spree for our boy. Updated and embellished
I'm just too darn tired to say anything about anything right now. Our day was great. The sun came out. Kids don't have crotch coverings here. Split pants instead. They squat everywhere. Tiny penises and cooters peeking out everywhere. 

As good a time as any to see their grandchildren grow and embrace every opportunity to be with them. Grandparents also pay the rent of their children's family dwelling and the parents are responsible for providing financially for their children and living expenses. So the park we visited was all grandparents and their grandchildren. The grandparents do yoga, exercise and sing and socialize while the grandchildren play. It was quite adorable to see the dynamic.

Cooter in the breeze, out for a walk

Partial family.
Day before kids day at the high priced mall. I would not settle on the super lame ducky on the butt and trains everywhere kinda boy crap they sales lady insisted I needed. Just because he is small doesn't mean Oliver needs queer ass clothes. So I pushed on. Neha was thrilled they had slides in the store. Brilliant idea I thought. Trying to figure out how to work this concept into plant worlds new design.
Neha knew Charlotte would love these. She sees elements of her sisters everywhere. I'm sure she misses them deeply. She has had to grow the heck up on this trip. It's so good for her, no longer can she be the squeaky wheel. She has to rise to the occasion and she really has. She helps so much with the 9 step diaper changes, and there are many. Yesterday, after we changed a diaper what happened, well another poop immediately. She threw her hands up and says "urggggghhh , every time we change him just another poop and another poop, why he keep doing that, what we gonna do mom with poop all the time? " hilarious to see her get things that quite simply have never crossed her mind.
So we had a shopping spree for Oliver, the quest was tiny pants , ones that might possibly stay up. The store was similar to a Macy's or Dillard's. a lady that spoke very broken English tried to help me. She was nice enough. She tell me, "if you spend over 250 yuan you get a discount" being the discount girl I am I was like, ok let's do this. She kept trying to sneak in lamo clothes, I was insistent that wouldn't fly. It tools and hour or more to get about 7 things for him. Exhausting really. Every item had to go to a different sales person in a different department to be written up. Close to 13 different receipts. But that's not where you pay. And that not where things get bagged. So I was unclear if any of the things I painstakingly picked would actually arrive at the register. Then we make out way to the only register. I ask to confirm our discount. Sales lady says, "oh today no discount."
Me- really, hmmm. Ok we'll you said if we spent an amount we got a discount
She- smile, no words
Me - ok
Her - today you get a gift
Me- ok
Then we try to use out international travel chase credit card.
Lady says "every item different company, need to buy all separate.
Me- ok, that's fine, we don't receive foreign transaction fees
Her - never mind, no credit card. Only cash
Mike- hope I have enough.
Our guide-, I can help and you can pay me back
Mike-ok, wait, I have enough
Lady bundles our goods, seriously like 7 things. Total was 1,400 yuan- close to $270
I kindly ask for our gift
Lady smiles, - "emm no gift". Hands us ours bags
Museum - 4 dynasties
Bronze, jade, terrecotta, stone, bone, gold, jewels, porcelain, enamel, and metals. All rangings from 10,000 bc to current. Pretty bad ass. And Oliver loves the stroller. Couldn't have been better.
Big sister keeps proving to be a great helper. I honestly think it takes a little of the crazy neehs out of her. She has responsibilities now. Can't just gyratation station all the time any more.
Last of zhenzgzhou, pronounced Jen-jow. Or guide got Oliver's passport, and ignored my 4th plea and request to stop somewhere for us to get rice cereal. (Again the only thing Oliver will eat) drove us to the airport and dropped us off. That my friends was the first time I really got pissed. That was when my annoyance temperance wall feel down, and I began to disgust the Chinese. They just don't give a crap abut you, and that just about it.
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