A day in pictures
My fave shot of the trip so far, mike tells me today, "I'm so happy, thanks for making me do this,
I'm sorry I can't just leap of a cliff like you can, but I'm glad I did" My reply, "thanks for coming to the cliff with me!"
Adoption finalization. (Side note, all the people from the previous day with their newly adopted children were there. It was kind of a big deal. Oliver crapped himself for the 8 th time that day and was stinking up the place so I went out to the car to change him. His diaper rash was rampant. He scratches and destroys his skin during diaper changes with his digging thumbs so you have to hold both feet and both hands when you change him. I was sweating my ass off, stressing out, his butt bleeding and me crouched on the floor board of our car van thing. Get him changed and he immediately poops again ( standard procedure) .... Double time etc... Our guide comes running out to get me. Seems urgent. We rush in and everyone is waiting for us , for the adoption ceremony. Mikes face was like oh my god you almost missed it, or you are holding up the whole shebang. Well we made it and he kindly says to me "your upper lip is all sweaty, might wanna deal with that before the pictures) true love at its best.
The sleeping chest thing kills me. It's like crack. I almost can't lay him down in his crib because I can't get enough of the cuddle pup.
Our visit to his foster home. Truely the most amazing place. Anyone who is anyone needs to and must google Show hope foundation and donate to their amazing cause . I could go on and on about how they have saved our sons life not twice but three times. Literally bringing him back to life once from dying on the operating table. He is a fighter, but they are his saviors. I didn't really believe it until we went there but I know it now.
The nanny care board , each nanny is assigned to specific children indefinitely so the children and nanny can bond appropriately.

Another birthdate confusion. We really aren't sure how old he is. His birth dates range 3 years on all his records.
The food tactic . I insisted I see how they fed my boy. And well, it was exactly what I needed to figure out his food issues. It's warm for starters (hadn't been doing that) and its thick with rice, it's a lot, a whole bowl and they shovel it home faster than he can breathe. He downed his bowl in less than 3 min ... It blew my mind and has since solved the eating conundrum.... For now.
Family photo at the home of miracles
The special peeps
Little man ease dropping on big men
Nuclear power plant in the distance, ahhhhh breathe deep
I swear, I'm addicted. Even if it gives me a few chins
Well first night I accidently brushed my only electric toothbrush with it, so we shall see
Awesome coloring by neha .
Yes he does fit in the tiny bathroom sink
The only Thing that kinda fits.... Thank god I brought it. Thank god some nana bought it.
And finally, a little bit o china..... We ordered 2-3 glasses of milk.... A lovely well dressed lady came to our room and bought us to 2 glasses ....... That is all.
It brought tears to my eyes to my eyes to see my brother with his son. I am so glad I get to be a part of your wonderful journey! I love him and I can't wait to meet my beautiful new nephew. I hope you both understand there isn't anything I wouldn't do to support you both. I love you and your beautiful family Tell Neha I miss her like crazy and that she is going to be a great big sister! Erica I know you are missing your babies but we are keeping them busy and we are having a great time! We live you and can't wait to see you! Sydne
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